William Curry Holden Grant for Research on West Texas History

Eligibility requirements include:

  • Applicants must have been members of the Association at least one full year prior to application deadline.
  • Applications must include a proposal and a budget for needed funds. One grant per year for $500 will be awarded; the grants are non-renewable. 
  • Grant recipients will submit a written follow-up report regarding the progress of their endeavors.
  • Recipients are ineligible for an interim of two years between successful grant applications.

Award and grant applications are due on January 10, 2025.

Award winners will be announced at the annual meeting of the Association during the presidential luncheon.

Holden Research Grant Recipients:

2012 - Robert Hall
2011 - Troy Ainsworth
2008 - Leland Turner
2006 - Gene Preuss
2004 - Kevin Sweeney
2003 - L. Patrick Hughes
2002 - Jim Matthews
1998 - Paul H. Carlson

Tai Kreidler presenting award to Leland Turner for winning the 2008 William Curry Holden Award. Photo by Gene Preuss.

Winner of the Holden Research Award, Troy Ainsworth shakes hands with incoming President Bruce Glasrud.

Kevin Sweeney receiving two checks from WTHA Executive Director, Tai Kreidler. Sweeney was named winner of the William Curry Holden Research Award and the Percy Jones Award for Best Article in the Yearbook.


2805 15th Street | Texas Tech University | Lubbock, Texas 79409-1041

Phone: 806-742-9076 | Email: wthayb@ttu.edu

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