Ernest Wallace Grant for Graduate Student Research On West Texas History

Ernest WallaceEligible proposals must focus on West Texas history, broadly conceived. Grant recipients will be announced at the annual meeting of the Association during the presidential luncheon. 

Eligibility requirements include:

  • Applicants must be enrolled in a graduate program at the time of application.
  • Applications should include a proposal, recommendation from major adviser, vita, and budget for needed funds.
  • One grant per year for $500 will be awarded; the grants are non-renewable.
  • Grant recipients will submit a written follow-up report regarding the progress of their endeavors.
  • Recipients are ineligible for an interim of two years between successful grant applications. 

Award and grant applications are due on January 10, 2025.

Award winners will be announced at the annual meeting of the Association during the presidential luncheon.

Winners of the Ernest Wallace Grant for Graduate Research on West Texas History

2015 - Joel Zapata, Southern Methodist University
2013 - Debbie Liles, University of North Texas
2012 - Brandon Schuler, Texas Tech University
2006 - Leland Turner, Texas Tech University
2002 - Dana Magill, Texas Tech University


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