West Texas Historical Review

Since 1925, the West Texas Historical Association has produced the WTHA Yearbook. Published annually, the Yearbook contains peer reviewed articles as well as other information about the organization. In 2014, the name of publication was officially changed to the West Texas Historical Review (WTHR).

Address all article submissions and related correspondence to Dr. Elissa Stroman, Editor, West Texas Historical Review, Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, WTHA, 2805 15th Street, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409-1041. elissa.stroman@ttu.edu. 

To find the articles, use the following options:

To purchase back issues of the West Texas Historical Review (WTHA Yearbook) email Lynn Whitfield at lynn.whitfield@ttu.edu with the volume(s) you wish to purchase and your contact information, including mailing address.

Volumes 1 (1925) - 96 (2020) cost $18 each (shipping included) and volumes 97-98 (2021 and 2022) cost $25 each (shipping included). The most current volume (2023) is available only through current membership. Payment can be made either using a credit card, Paypal or check.

*The following volumes are sold out and are unavailable for purchase - Volume 9 (1933), Volume 11 (1935), Volume 12 (1936), Volume 14 (1938), Volume 16 (1940), Volume 18 (1942), Volume 19 (1943), Volume 22 (1946), Volume 25 (1949), and Volume 30 (1954) and Volume 44 (1968).


2805 15th Street | Texas Tech University | Lubbock, Texas 79409-1041

Phone: 806-742-9076 | Email: wthayb@ttu.edu

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